Market consultation – Q&As

For the avoidance of doubt, the Q&As published by the PPI4HPC team on this website is solely made for the purpose of informing the market in order to prepare a joint procurement procedure. It does not signify the beginning of the procurement procedure or constitute a commitment by the public procurers involved in the PPI4HPC project to undertake such exercise at a later stage.

The final form of the procurement could differ from the answers provided previously to the publication of the contract notice.

All questions and answers have been sorted in four different categories: Procedure organization, Tender documentation, Application form and Technical.

Is there a plan to have a separate legal meeting with the lawyers from the vendor and PPI4HPC side or do we have to incorporate them in the technical one-on-one meetings?

The one‐to‐one meetings are expected to be used for getting confidential information from suppliers only on technical matters. A special audio conference will be organized on October 9th, 2017, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Vendors are invited to provide the subjects/topics they want to deal with in advance.

Date : 09/10/2017

When will the local law be used during the tendering procedure?

During the competitive dialogue, local laws will be applied in addition to the French law, only when mandatory. The performance of each contract will be governed by the local law.

Date : 09/10/2017

Will the questions and answers during the one-to-one meetings be made public?

Only the questions and answers of general interest, if needed reformulated in a neutral way will be published on the PPI4HPC website.

Date : 09/10/2017

When will the NDA be available? 

The NDA to be concluded between the lead procurer, representing all the partners for the PPI4HPC project, will be available W37.

Date : 09/10/2017

Will the decision within a lot be purely local?

For each lot, the award decision based on the evaluation criteria will be local.

Date : 09/10/2017

Is the participation in a one-to-one meeting mandatory for being able to qualify for the procedure?

As for the ODE, the participation in a one-to-one meeting is not mandatory for being able to be qualified for the procedure.

Date : 09/10/2017

Is there any difference between French law and any other local law for the competitive dialogue? Only French law will be applied?

There are differences between French law and any other local law for the competitive dialogue. French law sets the rules applicable to the tender procedure for all the lots. During the competitive dialogue, local laws will be applied in addition to the French law, only when mandatory. The performance of each contract will be governed by the local law.     

Date : 09/10/2017

Is there a minimum number of answer expected per lot?

According to the French law, the number of qualified candidates must be sufficient to ensure an effective competition. For the competitive dialogue, the minimum number is three. However, when the number of the qualified candidates is less than this minimum number, the public procurers may continue the procedure with the candidates with the required qualifications.

Date : 09/10/2017

Can we invite suppliers (like technology providers or service company) with us in this meeting?

Each vendor is free to invite potential commercial partners to join the meeting or part of the meeting (not exceeding a total amount of 10 people). As soon as possible, the vendor must give to the PPI4HPC team the contact points of the partners who will be present in order to organize the meeting and notably sign a NDA for the purpose of the one-to-one meeting.

Date : 09/10/2017

Who is going to be invited to provide a bid?

Any supplier that meets the qualification criteria will be able to submit a bid.

Date : 09/10/2017

Will it be one lot per site?

Yes. Each public procurer, i.e. BSC, CINECA, GENCI and ForschungszentrumJuelich, will have exactly one lot.

Date : 09/10/2017

Can more technical details be provided on the different lots?

It is currently not planned to disclose more technical details for the different lots (see also ODE slides).

Date : 18/10/2017

Which laws are used for overall process?

During the competitive dialogue, local laws will be applied in addition to the French law, only when mandatory. The performance of each contract will be governed by the local law.

Date : 09/10/2017

At what stage will the tenderers be able to review the contracts for the lots?

The tenderers will be able to review the draft contracts from the invitation to participate in the dialogue.

Date : 18/10/2017

Can you confirm that any pre-contractual proceedings by unsuccessful bidders for one lot will have to be brought to the French Administrative court?

The competent court will be mentioned in the contract notice.

Date : 18/10/2017

Can you confirm that the joint procurement will be run under French law and that GENCI will act as the lead procurer?

The joint procurement will be subject to the French law. GENCI will be the lead procurer.

Date : 18/10/2017 

Will the qualification criteria be common?

The qualification criteria may differ between lot depending of the nature of each lot.

Date: 18/10/2017

How similar will be the dialogue phases within the different lots?

The whole joint procurement including dialogue phases will be subject to the French law and following to common tendering rules. However, practical details on the organization of the dialogue phases may differ between lots (for example: number of dialogue sessions).

Date: 18/10/2017

Will the scoring within the different lots be the same or lot specific?

While we anticipate to share some evaluation criteria between the lots, the weights for these criteria may be different. Furthermore, lot specific evaluation criteria are foreseen.

Date: 09/10/2017

What references do suppliers have to provide for qualifying as candidate in the tendering procedure?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date: 09/10/2017

When will selection criteria be made available?

The selection criteria will be made available as part of the tendering documentation, which will be provided to the qualified candidates.

Date: 09/10/2017

Have all documents and offer to be submitted electronically and/or paper?

This information will be provided in the contract notice and in the tender documentation.

Date: 09/10/2017

Are there plans to request the use of an electronic signature to sign part or all of the documents provided by the candidates? If yes, which documents will require such electronic signature with a certificate compliant with French requirements.

This information will be provided in the contract notice and in the tender documentation.

Date: 09/10/2017

At what point in time/in the process the investment for each of the 4 lots will be known?

This information may be provided in the contract notice.

Date : 09/10/2017

Will the payment of the system take place at system’s acceptance or will it be subdivided in tranches according to pre-agreed milestones?

Payment terms will be precised in each local contract.

Date : 09/10/2017

Concerning the following statement in a slide presented by PPI4HPC at the Open Dialogue Event: “each procurer will decide which language to use (likely its own language or English)”: Is it “or English” or “and English”?

The language(s) used in the dialogue by each public procurer will be specified in the tendering rules.

Date : 09/10/2017

Do you plan to add in the contract notice, any restriction for a company to apply for one or several lots?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Do you plan to fix a maximum number of applicants by lot?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Do you plan to limit the number of lots to be awarded to one tenderer?

We anticipate not to limit the number of lots to be awarded to one tenderer, but this information will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

In case the applicant is a consortium, will you require either the leader, or all members to be jointly and severally liable?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

For France, the candidate must file a sworn statement certifying that he does not fall within any cases of exclusion to tender: is a sworn statement acceptable for all lots?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017 

Is it possible for a company to be subcontractor of several consortia?


Date : 09/10/2017

Consider a company with different subsidiaries in Europe, is the qualified subsidiary the one which would be awarded with a contract or could it be another subsidiary of the same company?

It will be the qualified subsidiary that will be awarded with the contract.

Date : 09/10/2017

Consider a company with different subsidiaries in Europe, which qualify as a consortium, would it be possible to award the contract to a single subsidiary?

If the different subsidiaries qualify together as a consortium, the contract will be awarded to the consortium. If the company would like the contract to be awarded to a single subsidiary, the single subsidiary may take part in the tender on its own. It will still be able to request that the capacities of other subsidiaries are taken into account for assessing its financial, technical and professional capacities.

Date : 09/10/2017

If a brand has different companies in different countries, which company should apply to the tender? 

There will be no requirement for a company to be registered in a specific country to be awarded the contract, therefore it is the decision of the company to identify its preferred subsidiary for the contract with regards to the requirement of the tender (technical, professional and financial capacities requested).

Date : 09/10/2017

Is it possible to change a supplier during the procedure?


Date : 09/10/2017

Do the rules for forming supplier consortia apply on a per lot basis?

Based on the discussion during the ODE, we are considering to be the case. It will be confirmed in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

May several candidates/consortia subcontract a part of the public contract to the same company?

Yes, but subcontracting during the performance of each lot must be compliant with the rules set in the local contract (mentioned in the tendering rules).

Date : 18/10/2017

Do all subcontractors have to be declared up-front, i.e when qualifying for the procedure?

In case an economic operator would like to rely on a subcontractor to establish its capacities at the qualification stage, it will have to declare such subcontractor during the qualification stage.

Date : 18/10/2017

Can several subsidiaries of the same group take part independently in the procurement procedure, each for a different lot?

Yes. In this case, a local subsidiary may refer to the capacities of one or several companies of its group to establish that it meets the technical, financial and professional requirements of the tender.  The company wanting to refer to the capacities of one or several companies of its group will have to justify the capacities of this/these company/ies and demonstrate that it will be able to resort to such capacities during the performance of the contract. However, the public procurer will have to assure that this set up does not lead to an agreement to distort competition.

Date : 18/10/2017

Companies A and B form the consortium A plus B to submit a proposal for Lot #1. Is it correct that company A or Company B cannot submit separately a bid for Lot #1?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Companies A and B form a consortium A plus B to submit a proposal for Lot #1. Is it correct that each Company A and Company B can separately submit a bid for Lot #2?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will the subcontractors' name have to be explicitly named in the proposal submitted by the candidates?

In case an economic operator would like to rely on a subcontractor to establish its capacities at the qualification stage, it will have to declare such subcontractor during the qualification stage.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will the subcontractors' tasks or actions have to be explicitly specified in the proposal submitted by the candidate?

Yes, but subcontracting during the performance of each lot must be compliant with the rules set in the local contract (mentioned in the tendering rules).

Date : 18/10/2017

Company A subcontracts Company S for Lot #1 and Company B subcontracts Company S for Lot #1. Will this be allowed following the rules?


Date : 18/10/2017

Company A subcontracts Company S for Lot #1 and Company S submits a proposal (as a stand-alone company) for Lot #1. Will this be allowed following the rules?

Yes. However, the public procurer will have to assure that this set up does not lead to an agreement to distort competition.

Date : 18/10/2017

How can a company recently incorporated take part in the procurement process? Can the process facilitate incentives to integrators/manufacturers to embrace new start-ups?

The qualification criteria will be related to and proportionate to the object of the supply or its performance. A company recently incorporated that meets the qualification criteria will be qualified. If it not the case, the company recently incorporated is encouraged to join a consortium or act as a subcontractor.

Date : 18/10/2017

Can the procurement process define preferred consortium compositions?

The economic operators are free to decide whether they would like to take part in the procurement either as an individual candidate or as a consortium. The procurer is not allowed to impose a specific legal form for the participation of consortium in the procurement process. However, we anticipate that for the Spanish lot, the entity which will perform the contract must be a legal entity.

Date : 18/10/2017

Can a consortium be formed after qualifying as sole economic operator?

The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract. However, in the case of a company restructuring operation, in particular of repurchase, merger or acquisition or, if the consortium provides the proof that one of its members is not able to perform its task for reasons which are not of its own, he may ask the public procurers the authorization to continue to participate in the procedure by proposing one or several new members of the consortium.

Date : 18/10/2017

Would it be possible to qualify as sole economic operator as well as a member of a consortium?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Would it be possible to qualify as consortium of subsidiaries and would it later to be possible to bid as individual subsidiary?

The entity signing the contract, whether as a consortium or as a sole operator, should be the one that submitted its request to participate in the tender. However, a company may also rely on another company to establish that it meets the technical, financial and professional requirements of the tender, whatever the contractual links between this third company and the company wishing to participate. In this case, it will not be a consortium contract that will justify taking into account the technical, financial and/or professional capacities of a separate company but rather the capitalistic and structural links of companies between the same group. The company wanting to rely on the capacities of one or several companies of its group will have to justify the capacities of this/these company/ies and demonstrate that it will be able to resort to such capacities during the performance of the contract.

Date : 18/10/2017

What does it mean that consortium is not a legal entity?

It means that it is not necessary for the consortium to be a registered company.

Date : 18/10/2017

Does the bid have to be submitted by the consortium leader?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the tender documentation.

Date : 18/10/2017

Does the budget split between vendor and subcontractor have to be specified?

Yes. We anticipate that the budget split between vendor and subcontractor will have to be specified at the latest in the final proposal.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is there a maximum amount of ‘work’ that may be subcontracted by a bidder to subcontractors during the performance of the contract?

For some lots, there is a maximum amount of work that may be subcontracted by a bidder to subcontractors in accordance with the rules set in the local contract (mentioned in the tendering rules).

Date : 18/10/2017

What is the measure of such an amount of ‘work’? Consider the following example:  

Bidder A subcontracts subcontractor S1 for a work amounting to ZEUR ;

Bidder A subcontracts subcontractor S1 for doing some work (and how this work is measured for evaluation the maximum amount of work)

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided at in the earliest in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

In the quotation submitted by a bidder, the share of each subcontractor(s) should be visible/stated? Consider the following example: Vendor A submits a proposal for 100 EUR to Lot#1 and states that subcontractor S1 is doing job J1, subcontractor S2 is doing job J2. In such a proposal, should it be explicitly stated that Vendor A contribution’s amounts to 50 EUR, subcontractor S1 contribution’s amounts to 20 EUR, subcontractor S2 contribution’s amount to 30 EUR?

If a subcontractor is explicitly named in the offer submitted by the candidate during the dialogue, its tasks and its quotation will have to be specified in the offer. We anticipate that the budget split between vendor and subcontractor will have to be specified at the latest in the final proposal. There is a maximum amount of work that may be subcontracted by a bidder to subcontractors in accordance with the rules set in the local contract (mentioned in the tendering rules).

Date : 18/10/2017

Can the consortium leader ask a consortium member to become contract party?

The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract. However, in the case of a company restructuring operation, in particular of repurchase, merger or acquisition or, if the consortium provides the proof that one of its members is not able to perform its task for reasons which are not of its own, he may ask the public procurers the authorization to continue to participate in the procedure by proposing one or several new members of the consortium.

Date : 18/10/2017

What entity should participate at the qualification stage, assuming that different entities/subsidiaries will be bidding for the different lots (typically the local entity) later on in the process?

The entity signing the contract, whether as a consortium or as a sole operator, should be the one that submitted its request to participate in the tender. The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is it an option to participate at the qualification stage as a consortium and use different entities/subsidiaries to bid for the different lots later on or do we have to bid for the lots with the consortium that participated at the qualification stage?

The entity signing the contract, whether as a consortium or as a sole operator, should be the one that submitted its request to participate in the tender. The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will it be possible to participate with different entities/subsidiaries at the qualification stage (e.g. one local entity/subsidiary participates for Lot 1, another local entity/ subsidiary participates for Lot 2) and use the same subcontractors for each entity/subsidiary to proof the financial and economical capacity?

Yes, a company may be subcontractor of several consortia.

Date : 18/10/2017

Consider a company that has local subsidiaries in some or each of the countries where a lot is to be attributed. This company would like to proceed with the competitive dialog as a single unit but to sign the local contract and perform the local deliveries under the legal identity of our local subsidiary. According to the answers received so far, we see two ways of doing this:

1. Proceed to the competitive dialog with a consortium with our global legal entity, as representative, and relevant local legal entities for each lot, and then to sign the local contract with this consortium, each lot being carried out by the relevant local legal entity, as a member of the consortium. Is this scheme compliant with your objectives?

2. Having each of our local legal entities answer participating in the initial selection phase?

The entity signing the contract, whether as a consortium or as a sole operator, should be the one that submitted its request to participate in the tender. The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract.

Date : 18/10/2017

Do you expect in case of consortium this to be composed of companies of different countries to bid for one or several lots or do you expect a consortium composed by companies located in the same country to bid for the Lot of that country?

The composition of a consortium is freely determined by the economic operators that would like to take part in the tender procedure together.

Date : 18/10/2017

In case of consortium: May the leader of the consortium delegate to another member part or all of its obligations (e.g., during dialogue phase or during contract performance)?

The composition of the consortium shall not be modified between the date of the submission of the request to participate and the date of the signature of the local contract. The repartition of the obligations between the consortium members is freely determined by the consortium members.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is there a limit to the subcontracted activities?

Subcontracting during the performance of each lot must be compliant with the rules set in the local contract (mentioned in the tendering rules).

Date : 18/10/2017

In case of subcontracting : Is the subcontractor to be declared by using the standard French standard administrative document (DC) or is the usual country document for subcontracting acceptable?

The list of the administrative documents for the application phase will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018. In any case, French law sets the rules applicable to the tender procedure for all the lots.

Date : 18/10/2017 

What role does the storage have in the different lots?

At this point BSC plans to procure a pure storage solution. CINECA is planning for scratch space. For the other lots a storage component is currently not foreseen.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is there going to be one benchmark suite?

We currently anticipate different benchmark suites to be provided within the different lots. We plan, however, to select for each of the lots some benchmarks that are derived from the Unified European Benchmark Suite (UEBS). We believe the UEBS to reflect the needs of a large fraction of computational science in Europe.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will there be a benchmark suite for power consumption?

We anticipate for all lots an evaluation metric to be used that takes total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) and therefore power consumption into account. The details may differ between the different lots.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is it required to provide performance (predicted or actual) of the same elements of the Unified European Benchmark Suite of PRACE for all the lots?

The choice of benchmarks from the Unified European Benchmark Suite is lot specific and is likely to be different for each of the lots.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will each lot add its own benchmarks on top of those elements of the Unified European Benchmark Suite of PRACE?

Some or all lots may add their own benchmarks.

Date : 18/10/2017

PPI4HPC looks for system-internal mechanisms for infrastructure failure detection and automatic system reaction. How does PPI4HPC define ‘automatic system reaction’?

Based on our current understanding, in this context, the term "automatic system reaction" refers to any action performed, autonomously and in (near-) real time, by the system in response to an infrastructure-related state change in order to ensure the health of the system. As an example, we expect that the systems will be required to handle pressure drops (or variations) and leakages in such a way that the system health of other components is not compromised.

Date : 18/10/2017

PPI4HPC presented a list of topics of common interest. How will these topics be evaluated in the bids?

This information cannot be disclosed at this point of time. It will be provided in the contract notice expected to be published in April 2018.

Date : 18/10/2017

Will the effort on optimizing the applications for the specific architecture be performed by the vendor only, the vendor plus the data centre together, the vendor plus the community, or the community?

Rules for modifying the provided benchmark codes will be defined in the tendering documentation. They may be different for the different lots.

Date : 18/10/2017

What is meant with "Impact reduction of data-related daemons and processes"?

Processes and daemons involved in I/O (e.g. related to services like parallel filesystems, network file systems) that reside on the compute nodes should not impact computing performance when the applications do not perform I/O activities.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning the JUELICH lot: Are there any other specific software requirements for Cluster-Booster integration?

Based on our current understanding, the integration with the JURECA Booster will require that certain components of the ParaStation software suite (related to MPI, resource management including the integration with the Slurm workload manager) are functional on the system.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning interconnects in the JUELICH lot: Any specific congestion control, adaptive routing or quality of service requirements? What bandwidth between the two systems?

JUELICH is currently in the process of installing the JURECA Booster system and is expecting to gain additional knowledge about the (network) requirements at scale in subsequent studies. The JURECA Cluster and the Booster are interconnected via 198 bridge nodes forwarding at a maximum of 100 Gb/s. Based on our current understanding, the same accumulated bandwidth may be targeted for the connection between the successor of the JURECA Cluster and the Booster.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning the JUELICH lot: What are specific workload candidates for using both, Custer and Booster? Interested in new data models or new middleware support?

It is currently not planned making benchmarks that use both, Cluster and Booster, part of this procurement. Middleware support for data movement within different memory tiers is possibly of interest.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning the GENCI lot: Would you expect software to be shared by Curie 2 and the new system?

No, we do not expect to share the software between the old and the new systems.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning the GENCI lot: What about the interconnection of the 2 systems (fabric level, I/O level, monitoring level …)?

No, the two interconnection fabrics will be kept separate.

Date : 18/10/2017

Concerning the GENCI lot: What about storage? Are you expecting the storage to be shared between the current system and the new supercomputer?

In this procurement, we have not planned to buy parallel filesystem storage. The new system will access to the common global parallel filesystem already installed in our computing centre.

Date : 18/10/2017

How can disruptive approaches to datacentre or HPC technologies be embraced?

Disruptive technologies may be proposed and are welcome as innovative component, but they must have reached a sufficiently high technology readiness level as the goal is to procure production systems, not test or prototype systems.

Date : 18/10/2017

How can smart energy efficiency involving, e.g., heat re-use be achieved from this procurement process?

There are many options to improve energy efficiency. Some of them will depend on the local conditions of the site, where the solution will be installed. Within all lots it is planned to compare value and the total-costs-of-ownership (TCO), which allows giving credits to solutions where power savings exceed possible additional costs for particular energy efficient solutions.

Date : 18/10/2017

How can innovation be a factor in existing plans for HPC platforms?

As the procurement of innovative solutions is the target of this joint PPI, the technical specifications will be defined in such a way that notably new, innovative components – of sufficient maturity for the designated use case of the procured systems – are invited.

Date : 18/10/2017

The following requirement has been presented: "Software installation during system bring-up in < 5 days". When does this time window of 5 days start and end? Will early shipment of management infrastructure be taken into account here? What is the expected state after these 5 days?

Consider a situation where the hardware is in place and in a stable condition: A re-installation of the system software from scratch should not take longer than 5 working days. Site-specific application software (additional user accessible libraries) is not taken into account.

Date : 18/10/2017

Related to lightweight monitoring: What kind of information would you like to collect? How is the data aggregated? Do you see a standard for aggregating this data emerging?

Please refer to the slides presented at the Open Dialogue Event for a listing of the information that are envisioned to be covered by the solution. (Scalable) data aggregation is expected to be a mandatory part of the monitoring solution but the technical details are not fixed. We are not aware of an emerging standard addressing the data aggregation in this context.

Date : 18/10/2017

What does "Guaranteeing users groups isolation" mean? Does it, e.g., include QoS support in the network fabric?

“Guaranteeing users groups isolation” means the possibility to have on the system different groups of users with a strict isolation at all levels including allocated resources, data, user information, processes (especially on the login nodes). One user group cannot get information from the other. It will be useful to support environments with different levels of confidentiality on the system.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is liquid cooling a requirement for the different lots?

For the CINECA, GENCI and JUELICH lot, we expect that liquid cooled solutions will be needed as a result of floor space limitations and/or the requirement to allow for heat being removed via dry free coolers.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is acceleration foreseen in the JUELICH and GENCI lot?

For GENCI, acceleration technologies can be part of the solution. More information will be given in the tender documentation. Based on our current understanding of the relevant technologies applicable to the JUELICH system, acceleration technologies may play a role in the JUELICH lot. A noteworthy portion of the JURECA system is currently equipped with GPUs. Nevertheless, the technology choice must be seen in the context of the target use cases (which do include data analytics - including machine and deep learning applications - but also simulation sciences from a variety of user communities with a significant existing code base).

Date : 18/10/2017

Are applications expected to be able to exploit integrated high-bandwidth memory technologies?

This aspect will be addressed in the tender documentation.

Date : 18/10/2017

Is BSC looking for hierarchical storage? What will be the last level?

BSC is looking for a tiered storage solution with a capacity of hundreds of petabytes in 2019. Last level of storage could be tape or any other innovative technology that could achieve the technical requirements that will be described in the tender documentation.

Date : 18/10/2017