
For the first time in Europe, a joint European procurement of innovative HPC systems is performed by a consortium of hosting members and hosting centres of the PRACE e-Infrastructure – a world-class environment capable of achieving global leadership. In order to address major scientific, industrial and societal challenges, and to maintain Europe competitiveness within a global race involving USA, China, and Japan the European Commission has implemented a vision towards the establishment of a strong and competitive HPC integrated ecosystem in Europe.

This vision is based on the following 3-pillar approach:

Its objectives can be summarized as follows:

  • Contribute to the upgrade of a pan-European HPC infrastructure that can be efficiently used for science and engineering in Europe
  • Enable new opportunities for research and engineering by optimizing innovative solutions for relevant applications
  • Create impact on the market in terms of available solutions fulfilling the requirements defined by the buyers group
  • Demonstration of the capability of multiple leading European HPC centres to successfully execute a joint procurement